Publications in Refereed Journals
1979–1985 | 1986–1990 | 1991–1995 | 1996–2000 | 2001–2005 | 2006–2010 | 2011-2015 | 2016-present
1979–1985  |
1 |
A.J. |
"Determination of Intensity Factors at
an Arched Crack Tip by the Method of Caustics," Strain, 15, 79-87, 1979 (pdf) |
2 |
A.J. |
"Analysis of the Optical Method of
Caustics for Dynamic Crack Propagation," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 13, 331-347, (First
published as a Brown Report ONR 79-1, March 1979.) (pdf) |
3 |
A.J. |
"On the Uniqueness of Representation of
the Stress Field of Plane Polygonal Dislocation Loops," Scripta
Metallurgica, 14, 1261-1265, (First
published as a Brown Material Research Laboratory Report prepared for the
National Science Foundation, NSF CME 1979-23742/1, August 1980.) (pdf) |
4 |
A.J. and Freund, L.B. |
"The Effect of Crack-Tip Plasticity on
the Determination of Dynamic Stress-Intensity Factors by the Optical Method
of Caustics," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 48, 302-308, 1981. (First
published as a Brown Report ONR N00014-0051/5, September 1980.) (pdf) |
5 |
L.B., Duffy, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Fracture Initiation in Metals
and Preliminary Results on the Method of Caustics for Crack Propagation
Measurements," ASME Paper No. 81-PVP-15, 1-7, 1981 (pdf) |
6 |
A.J. and Freund, L.B. |
"Optical Measurement of the Plastic
Strain Concentration at a Crack Tip in a Ductile Steel Plate," Journal of
Engineering Materials and Technology, 104, 115-120, 1982 (pdf) |
7 |
A.J., Ma, C.C. and Freund, L.B. |
"Analysis of the Optical Shadow Spot
Method for a Tensile Crack in a Power-Law Hardening Material," Journal of
Applied Mechanics, 50, 777-782, 1983 (pdf) |
8 |
A.J., Duffy, J. and Freund, L.B. |
"The Determination of Dynamic Fracture
Toughness of AISI 4340 Steel by the Shadow Spot Method," Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 32, 443-460, 1984 (pdf) |
9 |
A.J., Zehnder, A.T. |
"On the Method of Caustics: An Exact
Analysis Based on Geometrical Optics," Journal of Elasticity, 15, 347-367, [GALCIT-SM
Report 84-1], 1985 (pdf) |
10 |
Rosakis, A.J. and Zehnder, A.T. |
"On the Dynamic Fracture of Structural
Metals," International Journal of Fracture, Special Issue on
Dynamic Fracture (M.L. Williams & W.G. Knauss, Eds.), Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers, 27,
169-186, 1985 (pdf)
1986–1990  |
11 |
Rosakis, A.J. and Ravi-Chandar, K. |
"On Crack-Tip Stress State: An
Experimental Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Effects," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 22, 121-134, [GALCIT-SM Report 84-2], 1986 (pdf) |
12 |
Zehnder, A.T. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Note on the Measurement of K and J
under Small Scale Yielding Conditions Using the Method of Caustics," International
Journal of Fracture, 30,
R43-R48, [GALCIT-SM Report 85-18], 1986 (pdf) |
13 |
Knowles, J.K. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Scale of the Nonlinear Effect in
a Crack Problem," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 53, 545-549, [GALCIT-SM
Report 85-28], 1986 (pdf) |
14 |
Benitez, F.G. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Three-Dimensional Elastostatics of a
Layer and a Layered Medium," Journal of Elasticity, 18, 3-50, [GALCIT-SM
Report 85-21], 1986 (pdf) |
15 |
Narasimhan, R. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Reexamination of Jumps Across
Quasi-Statically Propagating Surfaces Under Generalized Plane Stress in
Anisotropically Hardening Elastic-Plastic Solids," Journal of Applied
Mechanics, 54, 519-524, [GALCIT-SM
Report 86-3], 1987 (pdf) |
16 |
Narasimhan, R., Rosakis, A.J. and Hall, J.F. |
"A Finite Element Study of Stable Crack
Growth Under Plane Stress Conditions: Part I- Elastic-Perfectly Plastic
Solids," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 54, 838-845, [GALCIT-SM
Report 86-22], 1987 (pdf) |
17 |
Narasimhan, R., Rosakis, A.J. and Hall, J.F. |
"A Finite Element Study of Stable Crack
Growth Under Plane Stress Conditions: Part II- Influence of Hardening," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 54, 846-853 [GALCIT-SM Report 86-23], 1987 (pdf) |
18 |
Benitez, F.G. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Point Load in the Interior of a Thick
Plate," Computers & Structures, 29, 69-87, 1988 (pdf) |
19 |
Rosakis P.J. and Rosakis A.J. |
"The Screw Dislocation Problem in
Incompressible Finite Elastostatics: A Discussion of Nonlinear Effects," Journal
of Elasticity, 20, 3-40, [GALCIT-SM
Report 86-5], 1988 (pdf) |
20 |
Narasimhan, R. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Finite Element Analysis of
Small-Scale Yielding Near a Stationary Crack Under Plane Stress," Journal
of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 36, 77-117[GALCIT-SM Report 86-21], 1988 (pdf) |
21 |
Benitez, F.G. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Force at a Point in the Interior of a
Three-Dimensional Elastic Layer," Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and
Applied Mathematics, 41, 83-95, 1988 (pdf) |
22 |
Rosakis, A.J., Zehnder, A.T., Narasimhan, R. |
"Caustics by Reflection and their
Application to Elastic-Plastic and Dynamic Fracture Mechanics," Optical
Engineering, 27, 596-610, 1988 (pdf) |
23 |
Zehnder, A.T., Rosakis, A.J. and Narasimhan,
R. |
"Measurement of the J-Integral with
Caustics: An Experimental and Numerical Investigation," Nonlinear Fracture
Mechanics: Volume 1-Time Dependent Fracture, ASTM-STP 995, (A. Saxena,J.D.
Landes and J.L.Bassani, Eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, 318-339, [GALCIT-SM Report 86-8], 1989 (pdf) |
24 |
Narasimhan, R. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Three-Dimensional Effects near a Crack
Tip in a Ductile Three-Point Bend Specimen: Part I-A Numerical
Investigation," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 57, 607-617, [GALCIT-SM
Report 88-6], 1990 (pdf) |
25 |
Zehnder, A.T. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Three-Dimensional Effects near a Crack
Tip in Ductile Three-Point Bend Specimen: Part II-An Experimental
Investigation Using Interferometry and Caustics," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 57, 618-626, [GALCIT-SM
Report 88-7], 1990 (pdf) |
26 |
Zehnder, A.T., Rosakis, A.J. and Krishnaswamy,
S. |
"Dynamic Measurement of the J Integral
in Ductile Metals: Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Techniques," International
Journal of Fracture,
Special Issue on Non-linear Fracture, Time Dependence (W.G. Knauss and A.J.
Rosakis, Eds.), 42, 209-230, Also, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on
Recent Advances on Non-linear Fracture Mechanics, California Institute of
Technology, March 14-16, 1988–1990 (pdf) |
27 |
Zehnder, A.T. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Fracture Initiation and
Propagation in 4340 Steel Under Impact Loading," International Journal of
Fracture, 43,
271-285, [GALCIT-SM Report 86-6], 1990 (pdf) |
28 |
Deng, X. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Negative Plastic Flow and its
Prevention in Elasto-Plastic Finite Element Computation," Finite Elements in
Analysis and Design,
181-191,[GALCIT-SM Report 90-10], 1990 (pdf) |
29 |
Rosakis, A.J., Krishnaswamy, S. and Tippur,
H.V. |
"On the Application of the Optical
Method of Caustics to the Investigation of Transient Elastodynamic Crack
Problems: Limitations of the Classical Interpretation," International Journal of Optics
and Lasers in Engineering, Special Issue on the Optical Method of Caustics (A.J.
Rosakis, Guest Editor), 13, 183-210, [GALCIT-SM Report 90-2], 1990 (pdf) |
30 |
A.J. and Zehnder, A.T. |
"Experimental Measurement of the
Temperature Rise Generated During Dynamic Crack Growth in Metals," Applied
Mechanics Review, 43,
Part 2, S260-S265, 1990 (pdf)
1991–1995  |
31 |
Krishnaswamy, S. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Extent of Dominance of
Asymptotic Elastodynamic Crack-Tip Fields: Part I- An Experimental Study
Using Bifocal Caustics," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 58, 87-94, [GALCIT-SM
Report 88-21], 1991 (pdf) |
32 |
Krishnaswamy, S., Rosakis, A.J. and
Ravichandran, G. |
"On the Extent of Dominance of
Asymptotic Elastodynamic Crack-Tip Fields: Part II- Numerical Investigation
of Three-Dimensional and Transient Effects," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 58, 95-103,[GALCIT-SM Report
88-22], 1991 (pdf) |
33 |
Zehnder, A.T. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Temperature Distribution at the
Vicinity of Dynamically Propagating Cracks in 4340 Steel," Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 39, 385-415, [GALCIT-SM 89-2], 1991 (pdf) |
34 |
Tippur, H.V., Krishnaswamy, S. and Rosakis,
A.J. |
"A Coherent Gradient Sensor for Crack
Tip Deformation Measurements: Analysis and Experimental Results," International
Journal of Fracture, 48,
193-204, [GALCIT-SM Report 89-3], 1991 (pdf) |
35 |
Deng, X. andRosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Crack Propagation in
Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Solids Under Plane Stress Conditions," Journal
of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 39, 683-722, [GALCIT-SM Report 90-11], 1991 (pdf) |
36 |
Tippur, H. V., Krishnaswamy, S. and Rosakis,
A. J. |
"Optical Mapping of Crack Tip
Deformations Using the Methods of Transmission and Reflection Coherent
Gradient Sensing: A Study of Crack Tip K-Dominance," International Journal
of Fracture, 52,
91-117,[GALCIT-SM Report 89-11], 1991 (pdf) |
37 |
Tippur, H.V. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crack Growth
Along Bimaterial Interfaces: A Note on Crack-Tip Field Measurements Using
Coherent Gradient Sensing," Journal of Experimental Mechanics, 31, 243-251,[GALCIT-SM
Report 90-18], 1991 (pdf) |
38 |
Rosakis, A.J. and Liu, C., Freund, L.B. |
"A Note on the Asymptotic Stress Field
of a Non-Uniformly Propagating Dynamic Crack," International Journal of Fracture, 50, R39–R45, 1991 (pdf) |
39 |
Narasimhan, R., Rosakis, A.J., Moran, B. |
"A Three-Dimensional Numerical
Investigation of Fracture Initiation by Ductile Failure Mechanisms in a 4340
Steel," International Journal of Fracture, 56, 1-24, [GALCIT-SM
Report 89-5], 1992 (pdf) |
40 |
Zehnder, A.T. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Note on the Use of High-Speed
Infrared Detectors for the Measurement of Temperature Fields at the Vicinity
of Dynamically Growing Cracks in 4340 Steel," Journal of Applied
Mechanics, 59,
450-452, 1992 (pdf) |
41 |
Krishnaswamy, S., Tippur, H. V. and Rosakis,
A. J. |
"Measurement of Transient Crack-Tip
Deformation Fields Using the Method of Coherent Gradient Sensing," Journal
of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 40, 339-372 [GALCIT-SM Report 90-1], 1992 (pdf) |
42 |
Mason, J.J., Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"The Use of a Coherent Gradient Sensor
in Dynamic Mixed-Mode Fracture Mechanics Experiments," Journal of theMechanics and
Physics of Solids, 40,
641-661[GALCIT-SM Report 90-21], 1992 (pdf) |
43 |
Freund, L.B and Rosakis, A.J. |
"The Structure of the Near-Tip Field
During Transient Elastodynamic Crack Growth," Journal of the Mechanics andPhysics of Solids, 40, 699-719, 1992 (pdf) |
44 |
Deng, X. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Finite Element Investigation of
Quasi-Static and Dynamic Asymptotic Crack-Tip Fields in Hardening
Elastic-Plastic Solids Under Plane Stress; Part I: Crack Growth in Linear
Hardening Materials," International Journal of Fracture, 57, 291-308, [GALCIT-SM
Report 90-12], 1992 (pdf) |
45 |
Deng, X. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Finite Element Investigation of
Quasi-Static and Dynamic Asymptotic Crack-Tip Fields in Hardening
Elastic-Plastic Solids Under Plane Stress; Part II: Crack Growth in Power-Law
Hardening Materials," International Journal of Fracture,58, 137-156,. [GALCIT-SM
Report 90-13], 1992 (pdf) |
46 |
Bruck, H.A. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Sensitivity of Coherent Gradient
Sensing: Part I-A Theoretical Investigation of Accuracy in Fracture Mechanics
Applications," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 17, 83-101, [GALCIT-SM
Report 91-6], 1992 (pdf) |
47 |
Liu, C., Rosakis, A.J. and Freund, L.B. |
"The Interpretation of Optical Caustics
in the Presence of Dynamic Non-Uniform Crack-Tip Motion Histories: A Study
Based on a Higher Order Transient Crack-Tip Expansion," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 30, 875-897, 1993 (pdf) |
48 |
Bruck, H.A. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Sensitivity of Coherent Gradient
Sensing: Part II-An Experimental Investigation of Accuracy in Fracture
Mechanics Applications," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 18, 25-51, [GALCIT-SM
Report 91-8], 1993 (pdf) |
49 |
Benitez, F.G., Lu, L. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Boundary Element Formulation Based on
the Three-Dimensional Elastostatic Fundamental Solution for the Infinite
Layer: Part I-Theoretical and Numerical Development," International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36, 3097-3130, 1993 (pdf) |
50 |
Lu, L., Benitez, F.G. and Rosakis, A.J |
"A Boundary Element Formulation Based on
the Three-Dimensional Elastostatic Fundamental Solution for the Infinite
Layer: Part II - Three-Dimensional Examples," International Journal for
Numerical Methods inEngineering, 36,
3131-3159, 1993 (pdf) |
51 |
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Two Optical Techniques Sensitive to
Gradients of Optical Path Difference: The Method of Caustics and the Coherent
Gradient Sensor (CGS)," Experimental Techniques in Fracture (J. Epstein, Ed.),
Chapter 10, 327-425, 1993 (pdf) |
52 |
Zehnder, A.T., Rosakis, A.J. |
"Temperature Rise at the Tip of
Dynamically Propagating Cracks: Measurements Using High-Speed Infrared
Detectors," Experimental Techniques in Fracture (J. Epstein, Ed.),
Chapter 5, 125-169, 1993 (pdf) |
53 |
Rosakis, A.J., Mason, J.J. and Ravichandran,
G. |
"The Conversion of Plastic Work to Heat
Around a Dynamically Propagating Crack in Metals," Journal of the
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (B.-Z. Weiss and E.C. Aifantis, Eds.),
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Mechanics, Physics and
Structure of Materials: A Celebration of Aristotle’s 23 Centuries, Part 4:
Mechanical Aspects, II, 4, No. 4, 375-385, 1993 (pdf) |
54 |
Lee, Y.J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Interfacial Cracks in Plates: A
Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation," International Journal of
Solidsand Structures,30,
3139-3158, 1993 (pdf) |
55 |
Mason, J.J., and Rosakis, A.J |
"The Effects of Hyperbolic Heat
Conduction Around a Dynamically Propagating Crack Tip," Mechanics of
263-278, 1993 (pdf) |
56 |
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Application of Coherent Gradient
Sensing (CGS) to the Investigation of Dynamic Fracture Problems," Special
Issue of Optics and Lasers in Engineeringdevoted to
Photomechanics Applied to Dynamic Response of Materials (A. Shukla, Guest
Ed.), 19,
3-41, 1993 (pdf) |
57 |
Liu, C., Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Highly Transient Elastodynamic Crack
Growth in a Bimaterial Interface: Higher Order Asymptotic Analysis and
Optical Experiments," Journal of the Mechanics andPhysicsofSolids, 41, 1887-1954, 1993 (pdf) |
58 |
Mason, J.J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Dependence of the Dynamic Crack
Tip Temperature Fields in Metals Upon Crack Tip Velocity and Material
Parameters," Mechanics of Materials, 16, 337-350, 1993 (pdf) |
59 |
Deng, X., Rosakis, A.J. and Krishnaswamy, S. |
"Dynamic Crack Propagation in
Elastic-Plastic Solids Under Non-K-Dominance Conditions," European Journal
of Mechanics and Solids, 13, 327-350, [GALCIT-SM Report 90-14], 1994 (pdf) |
60 |
Mason, J.J., Rosakis, A.J. and Ravichandran,
G. |
"On the Strain and Strain Rate Dependence
of the Fraction of Plastic Work Converted to Heat: An Experimental Study
Using High Speed Infrared Detectors and the Kolsky Bar," Mechanics of
Materials, 17 135-145, 1994 (pdf) |
61 |
Bruck, H.A., Christman, T., Rosakis, A.J. and
Johnson, W.L. |
"Quasi-Static Constitutive Behavior of Zr41.25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5 Bulk Amorphous Alloys," Scripta
Metallurgica et Materialia, 30, 429-434, 1994 (pdf) |
62 |
Liu, C. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Higher Order Asymptotic Analysis
of a Non-Uniformly Propagating Dynamic Crack Along an Arbitrary Path," Journal
of Elasticity, 35,
27-60, 1994 (pdf) |
63 |
Liu, C. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Investigation of Transient Effects for
Dynamically Initiating and Growing Cracks Under Stress Wave Loading
Conditions," Dynamic Fracture Mechanics (M.H. Aliabadi, Ed.), Computational
Mechanics Publication, Southhampton, UK; Boston, USA, Chapter 4, 1994 (pdf) |
64 |
Mason, J.J., Rosakis, A.J. and Ravichandran,
G. |
"Full Field Measurements of the Dynamic
Deformation Field Around a Growing Adiabatic Shear Band at the Tip of a
Dynamically Loaded Crack or Notch," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics
of Solids, 42, 1679-1697, 1994 (pdf) |
65 |
Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Decohesion of Bimaterials:
Experimental Observations and Failure Criteria," International Journal of
Solids and Structures, Special Volume devoted to Dynamic Failure Mechanics of
Modern Materials (A.J. Rosakis, A. Shukla and Y.D.S. Rajapakse, Eds.), 32, 2677-2702, 1995 (pdf) |
66 |
Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Development of a Dynamic Decohesion
Criterion for Subsonic Fracture of the Interface Between Two Dissimilar
Materials," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 451, 711-736, 1995 (pdf) |
67 |
Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Shear Dominated Transonic Interfacial
Crack Growth in a Bimaterial-I. Experimental Observations," Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 43, 169-188, 1995 (pdf) |
68 |
Liu, C., Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Shear Dominated Transonic Interfacial
Crack Growth in a Bimaterial-II. Asymptotic Fields and Favorable Velocity
Regimes," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 43, 189-206, 1995 (pdf)
1996–2000  |
69 |
Lee. Y.J., Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Analysis of Coherent Gradient Sensing
(CGS) by Fourier Optics," Optics and Lasers in Engineering,25, 25-53, 1996 (pdf) |
70 |
Li, W, Deng, X. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Determination of Temperature Field Around a
Rapidly Moving Crack-Tip in an Elastic-Plastic Solid," International
Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, 39, 677-690, 1996 (pdf) |
71 |
Bruck, H.A., Rosakis, A.J. and Johnson, W.L |
"The Dynamic Compressive Behavior of
Beryllium Bearing Bulk Metallic Glasses," Journal of Materials Research, 11, 503-511, 1996 |
72 |
Zhou, M., Rosakis, A.J. and Ravichandran, G. |
"Dynamically Propagating Shear Bands in
Impact-Loaded Prenotched Plates-I. Experimental Investigations of
Temperature Signatures and Propagation Speed," Journal of the Mechanics
and Physics of Solids, 44, 981-1006, 1996 (pdf) |
73 |
Zhou, M., Ravichandran, G. And Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamically Propagating Shear Bands in
Impact-Loaded Prenotched Plates-II. Numerical Simulations," Journal of
the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 44, 1007-1032, 1996 (pdf) |
74 |
Huang, Y., Liu, C. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Transonic Crack Growth Along a
Bimaterial Interface: An Investigation of the Asymptotic Structure of
Near-Tip Fields," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 33, 2625- 2645, 1996 (pdf) |
75 |
Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Crack Initiation and Growth in
Thick Unidirectional Graphite/Epoxy Plates," Journal of Composites Science
and Technology, 57,
55-65, 1997 (pdf) |
76 |
Singh, R., Lambros, J., Shukla, A. and
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Investigation of the Mechanics of
Intersonic Crack Propagation Along a Bimaterial Interface Using Coherent
Gradient Sensing and Photoelasticity," Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London A, 453,
2649-2667, 1997 (pdf) |
77 |
Lambros, J. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"An Experimental Study of Dynamic
Delamination of Thick Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Matrix Composites," Journal
of Experimental Mechanics, 37, 360-366, 1997 (pdf) |
78 |
Conner, R.D., Rosakis, A.J., Johnson, W.L. and
Owen, D.M |
"Fracture Toughness Determination for a
Beryllium-Bearing Bulk Metallic Glass," Scripta Materialia, 37,1373-1378, 1997 (pdf) |
79 |
Huang, Y., Wang, W., Liu, C. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Intersonic Crack Growth in Bimaterial
Interfaces: An Investigation of Crack Face Contact," Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 46, 2233-2259, 1998 (pdf) |
80 |
Zhou, M., Rosakis, A.J. and Ravichandran, G. |
"On the Growth of Shear Bands and
Failure-Mode Transition in Prenotched Plates: A Comparison of Singly and
Doubly Notched Specimens," International Journal of Plasticity, 14, 435-451, 1998 (pdf) |
81 |
Rosakis, A.J., Singh, R.P.,Tsuji, Y., Kolawa,
E. and Moore, Jr, N.R. |
"Full Field Measurements of Curvature
Using Coherent Gradient Sensing: Application to Thin Film Characterization," Thin
Solid Films, 325,
42-54, 1998 (pdf) |
82 |
Rosakis, A.J., Samudrala, O., Singh, R.P. and
Shukla, A. |
"Intersonic Crack Propagation in
Bimaterial Systems," Journal of the Mechanics of Physics of Solids, Special Volume on
Dynamic Deformation and Failure Mechanics of Materials (G. Ravichandran, A.J.
Rosakis, M. Ortiz, Y.D.S. Rajapakse and K. Iyer, Guest Editors), 46, 1789-1813, 1998 (pdf) |
83 |
Guduru, P.R., Singh, R.P., Ravichandran, G.
and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Crack Initiation in Ductile
Steels," Journal of the Mechanics of Physics of Solids, Special Volume on
Dynamic Deformation and Failure Mechanics of Materials (G. Ravichandran, A.J.
Rosakis, M. Ortiz, Y.D.S. Rajapakse and K. Iyer, Guest Editors), 46, 1997-2016, 1998 (pdf) |
84 |
Owen, D.M., Zhuang, S., Rosakis, A.J. and
Ravichandran, G. |
"Experimental Determination of Dynamic
Crack Initiation and Propagation Fracture Toughness in Thin Aluminum Sheets," International Journal of Fracture, Special Volume on Experimental Dynamic
Fracture (W.G. Knauss, Guest Editor), 90, 153-174, 1998 (pdf) |
85 |
Liu, C., Knauss, W.G. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Loading Rates and the Dynamic
Initiation Toughness in Brittle Solids," International Journal of Fracture, Special Volume on
Experimental Dynamic Fracture (W.G. Knauss, Guest Editor), 90, 103-118, 1998 (pdf) |
86 |
Kavaturu, M., Shukla, A. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Intersonic Crack Propagation Along
Interfaces: Experimental Observations and Analysis," Journal of
Experimental Mechanics, 38, 218-225, 1998 (pdf) |
87 |
Wang, W., Huang, Y., Rosakis, A.J. and Liu, C. |
"Effect of Elastic Mismatch in
Intersonic Crack Propagation Along a Bimaterial Interface," Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 61,
471-485, 1998 (pdf) |
88 |
Liu, C., Rosakis, A.J., Ellis, R.W. and Stout,
M.G. |
"A Study of the Fracture Behavior of
Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Composites using Coherent Gradient Sensing
(CGS) Interferometry," International Journal of Fracture,90, 355-382, 1998 (pdf) |
89 |
Rosakis, A.J., Samudrala, O. and Coker, D. |
"Cracks Faster than Shear Wave Speed," Science, 284, 1337-1340, [GALCIT-SM
Report 98-17], 1999 (pdf) |
90 |
Gao, H., Huang, Y., Gumbsch, P. and Rosakis,
A.J. |
"On Radiation-Free Transonic Motion of
Cracks and Dislocations," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 47, 1941-1961, 1999 (pdf) |
91 |
Huang, Y., Wang, W., Liu, C. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Analysis of Intersonic Crack Growth in
Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Composites," Journal of the Mechanics and
Physics of Solids, 47,
1893-1916, 1999 (pdf) |
92 |
Needleman, A. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"The Effect of Bond Strength and Loading
Rate on the Attainment of Intersonic Crack Growth in Interfaces," Journal
of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 47, 2411-2449, 1999 (pdf) |
93 |
Rosakis, A.J. and Ravichandran, G. |
"Dynamic Failure Mechanics," Research
Trends in Solid Mechanics, (G.J. Dvorak, Guest Ed.), AIP Press, International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 37, 331-348 [GALCIT-SM Report 98-15], 2000 (pdf) |
94 |
Rosakis, P., Rosakis, A.J., Ravichandran, G.
and Hodowany, J. |
"A Thermodynamic Internal Variable Model
for the Partition of Plastic Work into Heat and Stored Energy in Metals," Journal
of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 48, 581-607, [GALCIT-SM Report 98-8], 2000 (pdf) |
95 |
Hodowany, J., Ravichandran, G., Rosakis, A.J.
and Rosakis, P. |
"Partition of Plastic Work into Heat and
Stored Energy in Metals," Journal of Experimental Mechanics, 40, 113-123 [GALCIT-SM
Report 98-7], 2000 (pdf) |
96 |
Pandolfi, A., Guduru, P.R., Ortiz, M. and
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Three Dimensional Cohesive-Element
Analysis and Experiments of Dynamic Fracture in C300 Steel," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 37, 3733-3760, 2000 (pdf) |
97 |
Rosakis, A.J., Samudrala, O. and Coker, D. |
"Intersonic Shear Crack Growth Along
Weak Planes," Materials Research Innovations, 3, 236-243, 2000 (pdf) |
98 |
Rosakis, A.J., Coker, D. and Huang, Y.Y. |
"Subsonic and Intersonic Dynamic Crack Growth in Unidirectional Composites," Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Technical Paper
#EM00-247, 1-10, 2000 (pdf) |
99 |
Zehnder, A.T., Guduru, P.R., Rosakis, A.J. and
Ravichandran, G |
"Million Frames Per Second Infrared
Imaging System," Review of Scientific Instruments, 71, 3762-3768 [GALCIT-SM
Report 00-8], 2000 (pdf) |
100 |
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Speed Dependence and Crack Addiction,"
Caltech Engineering & Science Magazine, Volume LXIII, Number 2, 30-38, 2000 (pdf)
2001–2005  |
101 |
Coker, D. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Experimental Observations of Intersonic
Crack Growth in Asymmetrically Loaded Unidirectional Composites
Plates," Philosophical Magazine A, 81, 571-595 [GALCIT-SM Report 98-16], 2001 (pdf) |
102 |
Lee, H., Rosakis, A.J. and Freund, L.B. |
"Full Field Optical Measurement of
Curvatures in Ultra-Thin-Film-Substrate Systems in the Range of Geometrically
Nonlinear Deformations," Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 6116-6129 [GALCIT-SM
Report 00-10], 2001 (pdf) |
103 |
Boyd, D.A., Gallivan, M. A.,
Tripathi, A.B., Rosakis, A.J., Gowin, D. G. and Atwater, H.A. |
"Real-time, In Situ Curvature Measurement During Growth of Epitaxial YBCO Films on MgO," MRS
Symp. Proc. Series, 616, p 616, 2001 (pdf) |
104 |
Guduru, P.R., Rosakis A.J. and Ravichandran,
G. |
"Dynamic Shear Bands: An Investigation
Using High Speed Optical and Infrared Diagnostics," Mechanics of
Materials, 33,
371-402 [GALCIT-SM Report 00-11], 2001 (pdf) |
105 |
Bouchon, M., Bouin, M.-P., Karabulut, H., Nafi
Toksöz, M., Dietrich, M. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"How Fast is Rupture During an
Earthquake? New Insights from the 1999 Turkey Earthquakes," Geophysical
Research Letters, 28,
2723-2726, 2001 (pdf) |
106 |
Guduru, P.R., Zehnder, A.T., Rosakis, A.J. and
Ravichandran, G. |
"Dynamic Full Field Measurements of
Crack Tip Temperatures," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 68, 1535-1556, [GALCIT-SM
Report 00-12], 2001 (pdf) |
107 |
Guduru, P.R., Ravichandran, G., Rosakis A.J. |
"Observations of Transient High
Temperature Vortical Microstructures in Solids During Adiabatic Shear
Banding," Physical Review E, 64, 036128-1-6, [GALCIT-SM Report 00-9], 2001 (pdf) |
108 |
Singh, R.P. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Determination of the Yield Properties
of Thin Films Using Enhanced Coherent Gradient Sensing," Journal of
Experimental Mechanics, 41 [GALCIT-SM Report 00-15], 2001 (pdf) |
109 |
Li, S., Liu, W.-K., Qian, D., Guduru, P.R. and
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Shear Band Propagation and
Micro-Structure of Adiabatic Shear Band," Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering, 191, 73-92 [GALCIT-SM Report 00-16], 2001 (pdf) |
110 |
Li, S., Liu, W.-K., Rosakis, A.J., Belytschko,
T. and Hao, W. |
"Mesh-Free Galerkin Simulations of
Dynamic Shear Band Propagation and Failure Mode Transition," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 39, 1213-1240, 2002 (pdf) |
111 |
Samudrala, O., Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Subsonic and Intersonic Mode II Crack
Propagation with a Rate-Dependent Cohesive Zone," Journal of the Mechanics
and Physics of Solids, 50, 1231-1268 [GALCIT-SM Report 00-1], 2002 (pdf) |
112 |
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Intersonic Shear Cracks and Fault
Ruptures," Advances in Physics, 51, 1189-1257, 2002 (pdf) |
113 |
Xu, L. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Impact Failure Characteristics in
Sandwich Structures; Part I: Basic Failure Mode Selection," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 39, 4215-4235 [GALCIT-SM Report 00-6], 2002 (pdf) |
114 |
Xu, L. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Impact Failure Characteristics in
Sandwich Structures; Part II: Effects of Impact Speed and Interfacial
Strength," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39, 4237-4248 [GALCIT-SM
Report 00-7], 2002 (pdf) |
115 |
Yu, C., Pandolfi, A., Ortiz, M., Coker, D. and
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Three-Dimensional Modeling of
Intersonic Shear-Crack Growth in Asymmetrically Loaded Unidirectional
Composite Plates," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39, 6135-6157 [GALCIT-SM
Report 01-1], 2002 (pdf) |
116 |
Bouchon, M. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Reply to Comment on ‘How Fast is
Rupture During an Earthquake?’ New Insights from the 1999 Turkey
Earthquakes," Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 1243, 2002 (pdf) |
117 |
Xu, L.R., Huang, Y.Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Crack Deflection and
Penetration at Interfaces in Homogeneous Materials: Experimental Studies and
Model Predictions," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 51, 461-486, 2003.
[GALCIT-SM Report 00-5], 2002 (pdf) |
118 |
Guo, G., Yang, W., Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A |
"Sudden Deceleration or Acceleration of
an Intersonic Shear Crack," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 51, 311-331, 2003 (pdf) |
119 |
Samudrala, O., Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Subsonic and Intersonic Shear Rupture
of Weak Planes with a Velocity Weakening Cohesive Zone," Journal of
Geophysical Research, 107, 7-1 – 7-32 [GALCIT-SM Report 00-2], 2003 (pdf) |
120 |
Samudrala, O. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Effect of Loading and Geometry on the
Subsonic/Intersonic Transition of a Bimaterial Interface Crack," Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 70, 309-337
[GALCIT-SM Report 01-14], 2003 (pdf) |
121 |
Coker, D., Rosakis, A.J. and Needleman, A. |
"Dynamic Crack Growth Along a Polymer
Composite-Homalite Interface," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of
Solids, 51, 425-460, 2003 (pdf) |
122 |
Rosakis, A.J. |
"High Speed Failure Phenomena in
Heterogeneous Material Systems at All Length Scales – A Revival!," Experimental
Techniques: Trends in Experimental Mechanics, 27, 1, 12, 14, 2003 (pdf) |
123 |
Xu, L.R. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Real-Time Experimental Investigation of
Dynamic Crack Branching Using High-Speed Optical Diagnostics," Experimental
Techniques, 2001 SEM Student Paper Competition Winner – 2nd Place, 27, 23-26, 2003 (pdf) |
124 |
Rousseau, C.-E. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Influence of Fault Bends on the
Growth of Sub-Rayleigh and Intersonic Dynamic Shear Ruptures, Journal of
Geophysical Research, 108, 2411-2431 [GALCIT-SM Report 03-01], 2003 (pdf) |
125 |
Xu, L.R. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"An Experimental Study of Impact Induced
Failure Events in Homogeneous Layered Materials Using Dynamic Photoelasticity
and High-Speed Photography," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 40, 263- 288 [GALCIT-SM
Report 01-2], 2003 (pdf) |
126 |
Yu, C., Ortiz, M. and A.J. Rosakis |
Modelling of Impact Failure in Sandwich Structures," Fracture of Polymers
Composites and Adhesives II (B. Blackman, A. Pavan and J.G.
Williams, Eds.), Section 3.4 Composites Modelling, 527-538, 2003 (pdf) |
127 |
Park, T.-S., Suresh, S., Rosakis, A.J. and
Ryu, J. |
"Measurement of Full-Field Curvature and
Geometrical Instability of Thin Film-Substrate Systems through CGS
Interferometry," Journal of the Mechanics of Physics of Solids, Special Volume on
Dynamic Failure and Thin Film Mechanics, 51, Issues 11-12,
2191-2211 (A.J. Rosakis, G. Ravichandran and S. Suresh, Guest Editors), 2003 (pdf) |
128 |
Rosakis, A.J., Ravichandran, D. and Suresh,
S. |
"Dedication," Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 51, Issues 11-12, , Page v, 2003 (pdf) |
129 |
Xia, K., Rosakis,A.J. and Kanamori, H. |
"Laboratory Earthquakes: The
Sub-Rayleigh-to-Supershear Rupture Transition," Science, 303, Issue 5665,1859-1861,
2004 (pdf) [Caltech PR #12509] |
130 |
Hao, S., Liu, W.K., Klein, P. and Rosakis, A. |
"Modeling and Simulation of Intersonic
Crack Growth," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, Issue 7,1773-1799,
2004 (pdf) |
131 |
Anderson, D.D. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Comparison of Three Real Time
Measurement Techniques for the Measurement of Dynamic Fracture Initiation
Toughness in Metals," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72, Issue 4, 535-555,
2005 (pdf) |
132 |
Xia, K., Rosakis, A.J. and
Kanamori, H. |
"Supershear and
SubRayleigh-Intersonic Transition Observed in Laboratory Earthquake Experiments," Experimental Techniques, 29 (3),
63-66, 2005 (pdf) |
133 |
Coker, D. Lykotrafitis, G.,
Needleman, A. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Frictional Sliding modes
along an interface between identical elastic plates subject to shear impact
loading" Journal of the Mechanics of Physics of Solids, 53, Issue 4, 884-922, 2005 (pdf) |
134 |
Xia, K., Rosakis, A.J., Kanamori,
H. and Rice, J.R |
"Laboratory Earthquakes
along Inhomogeneous Faults: Directionality and Supershear," Science, 308, Issue 5722, 681-684, 2005 (pdf) |
135 |
Needleman, A., Coker, D. and
Rosakis, A.J. |
"Fast Crack Growth Along
Interfaces" Latin
American Journal of Solids and Structures, 2, 5-15, 2005 (pdf) |
136 |
Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Extension of Stoney’s Formula to
Non-uniform Temperature Distributions in Thin Film/Substrate Systems. The
Case of Radial Symmetry," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 53, pp 2483-2500, 2005 (pdf) |
137 |
Huang, Y., Ngo, D. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Non-uniform, Axisymmetric Misfit Strain
in Thin Films Bonded on Plate Substrates/Substrate Systems: The Relation
between Non-Uniform Film Stresses & System Curvatures," Acta Mechanica
Sinica, 21,
pp 362-370, 2005 (pdf) |
138 |
Rittel, D. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Fracture of Berylium-Bearing
Bulk Metallic Glass Systems: A Cross-Technique Comparison" Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 72, 1905-1919, 2005 (pdf) |
139 |
L. R. Xu, and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Impact Damage Visualization of
Heterogeneous Two-Layer Materials Subjected to Low-speed Impact," International
Journal of Damage Mechanics, 14 ,pp.215-233, 2005 (pdf)
2006–2010  |
140 |
Anderson, D.D. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Dynamic Fracture Properties of
Titanium Alloys" Experimental
Mechanics, 46:3, 1-8, 2006 (pdf) |
141 |
Xia, K., Chalivendra, V. B. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Spontaneous Mixed-Mode Fracture in
Bonded Similar and Dissimilar Materials," Experimental Mechanics, 46: 163-171, 2006 (pdf) |
142 |
Lykotrafitis, G. Rosakis, A.J. and
Ravichandran, G. |
"Particle Velocimetry and
Photoelasticity Applied to the Study of Dynamic Sliding Along
Frictionally-Held Bimaterial Interfaces: Techniques and Feasibility," SEM
Experimental Mechanics, 46: 205-216, 2006 (pdf) |
143 |
Kanamori, H., Xia, K. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Laboratory Earthquakes," International
Journal of Fracture, Special Edition, 138: 211-218, 2006 (pdf) |
144 |
Brown, M, Park, T-S., Rosakis, A., Ustundag,
E., Huang, Y., Tamura, N. and Valek, B. |
"A Comparison of X-ray Microdiffraction
and Coherent Gradient Sensing in Measuring Discontinuous Curvatures in Thin
Film – Substrate Systems," Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME
Transactions), 73, pp 723-729, Special –W.G.
Knauss Symposium, 2006 (pdf) |
145 |
Lykotrafitis, G., Rosakis, A.J. and
Ravichandran, G. |
"Self-healing, pulse-like, shear
ruptures in the laboratory," Science, 313, 1765-1768, 2006 (pdf) [Caltech PR #12897] [Do Earthquakes Rupture Piece by Piece, pdf] |
146 |
Lykotrafitis, G. and Rosakis, A.J. |
sliding of frictionally held bimaterial interfaces subjected to impact shear
loading," Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 462, 2997-3026, 2006 (pdf) |
147 |
Lykotrafitis, G. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Sliding along frictionally held
incoherent interfaces of homogeneous systems subjected to dynamic shear
loading: a photoelastic study," International Journal of Fracture, 140, 213-233, 2006 (pdf) |
148 |
Ngo, D., Feng, X., Huang, Y., Rosakis, A.J.
and Brown, M.A. |
"Thin Film/Substrate Systems Featuring
Arbitrary Film Thickness and Misfit Strain Distributions: Part I. Analysis for
Obtaining Film Stress from Non-Local Curvature Information,," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 44, 1745-1754, 2006 (pdf) |
149 |
Brown, M., Rosakis, A.J., Feng, X., Huang, Y.
and Üstündag, E. |
"Thin film/Substrate Systems Featuring
Arbitrary Film Thickness and Misfit Strain Distributions: Part II. Experimental Validation
of the Non-Local Stress/Curvature Relations,," International Journal of
Solids and Structures, 44, 1755-1767, 2006 (pdf) |
150 |
Yang, Q.D., Rosakis, A.J. and Cox, B.N. |
"Dynamic Fiber Sliding along Debonded,
Frictional Interfaces," The Proceedings of the Royal Society, 462, 1081-1106,
2006 (pdf) |
151 |
Xia, K., Chalivendra, V. B. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Observing Self-similar Crack Growth in
Experiments," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 73, 2748-2755, 2006 (pdf) |
152 |
Ngo, D., Huang, Y., Rosakis, A.J. and Feng,
X. |
"Spatially Non-Uniform, Isotropic Misfit
Strain in Thin Films Bonded on Plate Substrates: The Relation between
non-uniform film stresses and system curvatures," Thin Solid Films, 515, 2220-2229, 2006 (pdf) |
153 |
Arias, I., Knap, J., Chalivendra, V. B., Hong,
S., Ortiz, M. and Rosakis, A. |
"Numerical modeling and
experimental validation of dynamic fracture events along weak planes," Computational
Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196, 3833-3940, 2007 (pdf) |
154 |
Feng, X., Huang, Y., Jiang, H., Ngo, D., and
Rosakis A.J. |
"The Effect of Thin Film/Substrate Radii
on the Stoney Formula for Thin Film/Substrate Subjected to Non-uniform
Axisymmetric Misfit Strain and Temperature," Journal of the Mechanics of
Materials and Structures, 1, 1041-1054, 2006 (pdf) |
155 |
Rosakis, A.J., Lykotrafitis, G., Xia,
K. and Kanamori, H. |
"Dynamic Shear Rupture in Frictional Interfaces: Speeds,
Directionality and Modes," Treatise in Geophysics, (G. Schubert, Editor-in-Chief) 4 - Earthquake Seismology, (H. Kanamori, Volume Editor ) Elsevier, October 15, 2007 (pdf) |
156 |
Lu, X., Lapusta, N., and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Pulse and Crack-like Ruptures in
Experiments Mimicking Crustal Earthquakes," The Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 104, No. 48, 18931-18936,
2007 (pdf) |
157 |
Biegel, R.L., Sammis, C.G., and Rosakis, A. J |
"Interaction of a Dynamic Rupture
on a Fault Plane with Short Frictionless Fault Branches," Pure and
Applied Geophysics, 164,
pp 1881-1904, 2007 (pdf) |
158 |
Huang, Y, Ngo, D., Feng, X. and Rosakis, A. |
"Anisotropic, Non-uniform Misfit Strain
in a Thin Film Bonded on a Plate Substrate," Interaction and Multiscale
1:1, pp 123-142, 2007 (pdf) |
159 |
Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Extension of Stoney’s Formula to
Arbitrary Temperature Distributions in Thin Film/Substrate Systems," Journal
of Applied Mechanics, 74, pp
1225-1233, 2007 (pdf) |
160 |
Feng, X., Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"On the Stoney Formula for a Thin
Film/Substrate System with Non-uniform Substrate Thickness," Journal of
Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 74, pp 1276 -1281, 2007 (pdf) |
161 |
Feng, X., Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Multi-layer thin films/substrate system
subjected to non-uniform misfit strains," International Journal of Solids
and Structures, 45,
pp 3688-3698, 2007 (pdf) |
162 |
Chalivendra, V. B., and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Interaction of dynamic mode-I cracks
with inclined interfaces," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75, pp 2385-2397, 2008 (pdf) |
163 |
Biegel, R., Sammis, C. and Rosakis, A. |
"An experimental study of the effect of
off-fault damage on the velocity of a slip pulse," J. Geophys. Res., 113, 2008 (pdf) |
164 |
Feng, X., Huang, Y. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Stresses in a Multilayer Thin
Film/Substrate System Subjected to Nonuniform Temperature," Journal of
Applied Mechanics,
75, 2008 (pdf) |
165 |
Mello, M., Hong, S. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Extension of the Coherent Gradient
Sensor (CGS) to the Combined Measurement of In-Plane and Out-of-Plane
Displacement Field Gradients," Experimental Mechanics, Special Edition, 2008 (pdf) |
166 |
T-S., Dao, M., Suresh, S., Rosakis, A.J., Pantuso, D. and Shankar S. |
"Some Practical Issues of Curvature and
Thermal Stress in Realistic Multi-level Metal Interconnect Structures" Journal
of Electronic Materials, 37, No. 6. pp 777 – 791, 2008 (pdf) |
167 |
K.W., Rousseau,
C. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Experimental investigations of
spontaneous bimaterial interfacial fractures," Journal of Mechanics of
Materials and Structures, 29 (3), 173-184, 2008 (pdf) |
168 |
Chalivendra, V., Hong, S., Arias, I., Knap,
J., Rosakis, A. and Ortiz, M. |
"Experimental validation of large-scale
simulations of dynamic fracture along weak planes," International Journal
of Impact Engineering, 30, 888-889, 2009 (pdf) |
169 |
X., Lapusta, N. and Rosakis, A.J. |
"Analysis of supershear transition
regimes in rupture experiments: the effect of nucleation conditions and friction
parameters," Geophys. J. Int. 2008, 171, 717-732, 2009 (pdf) |
170 |
Templeton, E.L.,
Baudet, A., Bhat, H.S., Dmowska, R., Rice, J. R., Rosakis, A. J, Rousseau,
C-E |
Element Simulations of Dynamic Shear Rupture Experiments and Dynamic Path
Selection Along Kinked and Branched Faults," Journal of Geophysical
Research, 114,
2009 (pdf) |
171 |
C-E., Rosakis, A.J. |
Path Selection along Branched Faults: Experiments Involving Sub-Rayleigh and
Supershear Ruptures," Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, 2009 (pdf) |
172 |
Griffith, W. A.,
Rosakis, A.J., Ko, C. |
"Dynamic Rupture Experiments
Elucidate the Source Mechanics of Ancient Earthquakes," Geology, 2009 (pdf) |
173 |
Lu, X., Rosakis, A.J., and Lapusta, N. |
"Rupture Modes in Laboratory Earthquakes: Effect of Fault Prestress and Nucleation Conditions," Journal of Geophysical Research
Vol. 115, (B12302, doi:10.1029/2009JB006833), 2010 (pdf) |
174 |
Biegel, R. L., Bhat, H. S., Sammis, C. G., Rosakis, A. J |
"The Effect of Asymmetric Damage on Dynamic Shear Rupture Propagation I: No Mismatch in Bulk Elasticity," Tectonophysics,
2011 Special Edition on Supershear Ruptures, Vol. 493, Issue 3-4, pp. 254-262, 2010 (pdf) |
175 |
Bhat, H. S., Biegel, R. L., Rosakis, A. J Sammis, C. G. |
"The Effect of Asymmetric Damage on Dynamic Shear Rupture Propagation II: With Mismatch in Bulk Elasticity," Tectonophysics,
2011 Special Edition on Supershear Ruptures, Vol. 493, Issue 3-4pp. 263-271, 2010 (pdf) |
176 |
Lapusta, N., Lu, X., Rosakis, A.J. |
"Pulse-like and crack-like dynamic shear ruptures on frictional interfaces: experimental evidence, numerical modeling, and implications," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 163, 1-2, 27-39, (DOI: 10.1007/s10704-010-9479-4), (pdf) |
177 |
Mello, M., Bhat, H.B., Rosakis, A. J., Kanamori, H. |
"Identifying the unique ground motion signatures of supershear earthquakes: Theory and experiments," Tectonophysics, 2011
Special Edition on Supershear Ruptures, Vol. 493, Issue 3-4, pp. 297-326 (S. Das and M. Bouchon, Editors), 2010 (pdf) |
178 |
Eliasson, V., Mello, M., Rosakis, A. J., Dimotakis, P. E. |
"Experimental investigation of converging shocks in water with various confinement materials," Shock Waves, Vol. 20,pp. 395-408, 2010 (pdf) |
179 |
Sammis, C. G., Rosakis A. J and Bhat, H. S. |
"Effects of Off-Fault Damage on Earthquake Rupture Propagation: Experimental Studies," Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 166, pp. 1629-1648, 2010 (pdf)
2011-2015  |
180 |
Bhat, H.S., Sammis, C.G., Rosakis, A.J. |
“The Micromechanics of Westerley Granite at Large Compressive Loads," Pure and Applied Geophysics., 168 (12):pp. 1–18 (DOE:
10.1007/s00024-011-0271-9, 2011 (pdf) |
181 |
Lamberson, L., Eliasson V., Rosakis, A.J. |
"In situ Optical Investigations of Hypervelocity Impact Induced Dynamic Fracture," Experimental Mechanics, Special Edition, Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Vol. 1, (DOI: 1007/978-1-4419-8228-5), 2011 (pdf)
182 |
Adams, M., Lashgari, B., McKerns, M., Mihaly, J., Ortiz, M., Owhadi, H., Rosakis, A.J., Stalzer, M., Sullivan, T. J. |
“Rigorous Model-Based Uncertainty Quantification with Application to Terminal Ballistics - Part II. Systems with Uncontrollable Inputs and Large Scatter,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol.60: pp.1002-1019, 2012 (pdf)
183 |
Bhat, H. S., Rosakis, A. J., Sammis, C. G. |
“A Micromechanics Based Constitutive Model For Brittle Failure at High Strain Rates”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 79 (3), 031016, doe:10.1115/1.4005897, 2012 (pdf) |
184 |
Ngo, D, Huang, Y., Rosakis, A.J., Griffith, W.A., Pollard, D.D. |
“Off-fault tensile cracks: A link between geological fault observations, lab experiments and dynamic rupture models”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B01307, doi: 10.1029/ 2011JB008577, 2012. (pdf) |
185 |
Mihaly, J.M., Tandy, J. D., Adams, M. A. Rosakis, A. J. |
“In Situ Diagnostics for a Small-Bore Hypervelocity Impact Facility," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2013. |
186 |
Mello, M.M., Bhat, H.S., Rosakis, A.J., Kanamori, H. |
“"Reproducing the Supershear Portion of the 2002 Denali Earthquake Rupture in the Laboratory”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters., Vol. 387, pp.89-96, (DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.11.030), 2013 |
187 |
Gabuchian, V., Rosakis, A.J., Lapusta, N., Oglesby, D. |
"Experimental Investigation of Strong Ground Motion due to Thrust Fault
Earthquakes," Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol. 119,
Issue 2, pp. 1316-1336, (DOI:10.1002/2013JB010409), 2014 PDF |
188 |
Rubino, V., Lapusta, N., Rosakis, A. J., Leprince, S., Avouac, J-P. |
"Static laboratory earthquake measurements with the digital image correlation method”, Journal of Experimental Mechanics, Special Edition on DIC Methods and Applications, (DOI) 10.1007/s11340-014-9893-z, 2014 |
189 |
Tandy, J.D., Mihaly, J. M., Adams, M.A., Rosakis, A. J. |
"Examining the Temporal Evolution of Hypervelocity Impact Phenomena via High-speed Imaging and Ultraviolet-Visible Emission Spectroscopy", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 116, Issue 3, (DOI: 10.1063/1.4890230), 2014 |
190 |
Mihaly, J.M., Tandy, J. D, Rosakis, A. J., Adams, M. A., Pullin, D. |
"Pressure-Dependent, Infrared-Emitting Phenomenon in Hypervelocity Impact", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 82, pp., (DOI:10.1115/1.4029020), January 2015 |
2016-present  |
191 |
Mello, M.M, Bhat, H.S., Rosakis, A.J. |
“Spatiotemporal Properties of Sub-Rayleigh and Super-shear Rupture Velocity Fields: Theory and Experiments”, Vol. 93, pp.153-181, Special Issue of the Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids (JMPS) honoring Professor Michael Ortiz, at the occasion of his 60th birthday, 2016 |
192 |
Rubino, V., Rosakis, A.J., Lapusta, N. |
"Understanding dynamic friction through spontaneously evolving laboratory earthquakes”, Nature Communication 8, Article number: 15991, doi:10.1038/ncomms15991, June 2017 |
193 |
Gabuchian, V., Rosakis, A. J., Bhat, H.S, Madariaga, R., Kanamori, H. |
“Experimental evidence that thrust earthquake ruptures might open faults”, Nature, Vol. 545, pp. 336-339, ISSN 0028-0836, (doi:101038/nature22045), 2017 |
194 |
M. Gori, V. Rubino, A.J. Rosakis, N. Lapusta |
"Pressure Shock Fronts Formed by Ultra-fast Shear Cracks in Viscoelastic Materials", Nature Communications, (2018)9:4754, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-0 7139-4 (pdf) |
195 |
S. Roshankhah, J. P. Marshall, A. Tengattini, E. Ando, V. Rubino, A. J. Rosakis, G. Viggiani, J. E. Andrade |
"Neutron Imaging: A New Possibility for Laboratory Observation
of Hydraulic Fractures in Shale?", (2018) Géotechnique Letters 8, 1–8 (pdf) |
196 |
V. Rubino, A.J. Rosakis, N. Lapusta |
"Full-field Ultrahigh-speed Quantification of Dynamic Shear Ruptures Using Digital Image Correlation", Experimental Mechanics (2019) 59:551–582 (pdf) |
197 |
Yuval Tal, Vito Rubino, Ares J. Rosakis, Nadia Lapusta |
"Enhanced Digital Image Correlation Analysis of Ruptures with Enforced Traction Continuity Conditions Across Interfaces" Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 1625; doi:10.3390/app9081625 (pdf) |
198 |
A. J. Rosakis, V. Rubino, N. Lapusta |
"Recent Milestones in Unraveling the Full-Field Structure of Dynamic Shear Cracks and Fault Ruptures in Real-Time: From Photoelasticity to Ultrahigh-Speed Digital Image Correlation", Journal of Applied Mechanics, March 2020, Vol. 87 / 030801-1 (pdf) |
199 |
V. Rubino, A. J. Rosakis, N. Lapusta |
"Spatiotemporal Properties of Sub-Rayleigh and Supershear Ruptures Inferred From Full-Field Dynamic Imaging of Laboratory Experiments", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 10.1029/2019JB018922 (pdf) |
200 |
Antonios E. Giannakopoulos, Ares J. Rosakis |
"Dynamics of Flexoelectric Materials: Subsonic, Intersonic, and Supersonic Ruptures and Mach Cone Formation", Journal of Applied Mechanics, June 2020, Vol. 87 / 061004-1(pdf) |
201 |
Yuval Tala, Vito Rubino, Ares J. Rosakis, Nadia Lapusta |
"Illuminating the Physics of Dynamic Friction Through Laboratory Earthquakes on Thrust Faults", PNAS Latest Articles (pdf) |
202 |
Kaiwen Xia, Ares J. Rosakis |
"Laboratory Earthquakes Along Faults With a Low Velocity Zone: Directionality and Pulse-like Ruptures" Extreme Mechanics Letters, 46 (2021) 101321 (pdf) |
203 |
Ahmed Elbanna, Mohamed Abdelmeguid, Xiao Ma, Faisal Amlani, Harsha S. Bhat, Costas Synolakis, Ares J. Rosakis |
"Anatomy of Strike-slip Fault Tsunami Genesis", PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 19 e2025632118 (pdf) |
204 |
Ares J. Rosakis, José E. Andrade, Vahe Gabuchian, John M. Harmon, Joel P. Conte, José I. Restrepo, Andrés Rodriguez, Arpit Nema, Andrea R. Pedretti |
"Implications of Buckingham’s Pi Theorem to the Study of Similitude in Discrete Structures: Introduction of the RNF, μN, and SN Dimensionless Numbers and the Concept of Structural Speed", Journal of Applied Mechanics September 2021, Vol. 88 / 091008-1 (pdf) |
205 |
Jara, J., Bruhat, L., Thomas, M.Y., Antoine, S. L., Okubo, K., Rougier, E., Rosakis, A. J., Sammis, C. G., Klinger, Y., Jolivet, R., and Bhat, H. S. |
“Signature of transition to supershear rupture speed in the coseismic off-fault damage zone”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Proc. R. Soc. A. 477:20210364, doi/10.1098/rspa.2021.0364, 2021 (pdf) |
206 |
Gori, M., Rubino, V., Rosakis, A.J., Lapusta, N. |
"Dynamic rupture initiation and propagation in a fluid-injection laboratory setup with diagnostics across multiple temporal scales", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (51), e2023433118, (pdf) |
207 |
Rezakhani, R., Rubino, V., Molinari, J.F., Rosakis, A. J. |
Three-dimensional stress state during dynamic shear rupture propagation along frictional interfaces in elastic plates, Mechanics of Materials, 164,, 104098, (pdf) |
208 |
Tal, Y., Rubino, V., Rosakis, A. J., Lapusta, N. |
"Dynamics and near-field surface motions of transitioned supershear laboratory earthquakes in thrust faults", Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 127, Issue 3, e2021JB023733, doi:10.1029/2021jb023733, 2022. (pdf) |
209 |
Rubino, V., Lapusta, N., Rosakis, A. J. |
"Intermittent lab earthquakes in dynamically weakening fault gouge", Nature, DOI : 10.1038/s41586-022-04749-3, 2021-04-06170,, 2022 (pdf) |
210 |
Amlani, F., Bhat, H., Simons, W., Schubnel, Al., Vigny, C., Rosakis, A.J., Efendi, J., Elbanna, A., Dubernet, P. Abidin, H. |
"Supershear shock front contribution to the tsunami from the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu, Indonesia Earthquake", Geophysical Journal International, 230,, 2022 (pdf) |
211 |
Zeng, H., Wei, Shengji, Rosakis, A.J. |
"A Travel-Time Path Calibration Strategy for Back-Projection of Large Earthquakes and Its Application and Validation Through the Segmented Super-Shear Rupture Imaging of the 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali Earthquake"Special Section, 100-year Anniversary of the Great 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake: What have we learnt on large Continental Earthquakes and Faults?, Advancing Earth and Space Science (AGU) 127, (pdf) |
212 |
Giannakopoulos, A. E., Rosakis, A. J. |
"Dynamic magneto-flexoelectricity and seismo-electromagnetic phenomena: Connecting mechanical response to electromagnetic signatures", Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 168, November 2022, (pdf) |
213 |
Lattanzi A., Rubino, V., Rossi, M., Donzelli, A., Rosakis, A.J., and Lapusta, N. |
"Uncertainty Analysis of Dynamic Rupture Measurements Obtained
Through Ultrahigh-Speed Digital Image Correlation", Experimental Mechanics,, 2023.(pdf) |
214 |
Giannakopoulos, A.E., Knisovitis, Ch., Charalambopoulos,A., Zisis, Th., Rosakis, A.J. |
"Hyperbolicity, Mach lines and super-shear mode III steady state fracture in magneto-flexoelectric materials: I. Methodology" Journal of Applied Mechanics, 34 pages, JAM 23-1019, doi:10.1115/1.4056914 (pdf) |
215 |
Giannakopoulos, A.E., Knisovitis, Ch., Zisis, Th., Rosakis, A.J. |
"Hyperbolicity, Mach lines and super-shear mode III
steady state fracture in magneto-flexoelectric materials:
II. Crack-tip asymptotics", Journal of Applied Mechanics, 24 pages, JAM 23-1020, doi:10.1115/1.4056913 (pdf) |
216 |
Andrade, J.E., Rosakis, A.J., Conte, J.P., Restrepo, J. I., Gabuchian, V., Harmon, J.M., Rodriguez, A., Nema, A., Pedretti, A.R. |
"A Framework to Assess the Seismic Performance of Multiblock Tower Structures as Gravity Energy Storage Systems", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 149 (1). Art. No. 2159. ISSN 0733-9399, doi:10.1061/(asce)em.1943-7889.0002159 (2023) (pdf) |
217 |
Harmon, J.M., Gabuchian, V., Rosakis, A.J., Conte, J.P., Restrepo, J. I., Rodriguez, A., Nema, A., Pedretti, A. R. Andrade, J. E. |
"Predicting the seismic behavior of multiblock tower
structures using the level set discrete element method", Earthquake Engng Struct Dynamics, 1–20, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3883, 2023 (pdf) |
218 |
Rosakis, A.J., Abdelmeguid, M., Elbana, A. |
"Evidence of Early Supershear Transition in the Feb 6th 2023 Mw
2 7.8 Kahramanmaras, Turkey Earthquake From Near-Field Records", Nature Geoscience, arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.07214, 2023 (pdf) |
219 |
Giannakopoulos, A. E., Rosakis, A. J. |
"Dispersion and attenuation relations in Flexoelectricity", Submitted to PNAS, 2023 (pdf) |
220 |
Abdelmeguid, M., Zhao, C., Yalcinkaya, E., Gazetas, g., Elbanna, A., Rosakis, A. J. |
Dynamics of Episodic Supershear in the 2023, M7.8 Kahramanmara?/Pazarcik Earthquake, revealed by near-field records and computational modeling, Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 456,, 2023 (pdf) |
221 |
Burneo, A.R., Restrepo, J.I., Conte, J.P., Andrade, J.E., Rosakis, A.J., Gabuchian, V., Harmon, J., Nema, A., Pedretti, A. |
“Seismic-Response Assessment of Multiblock Tower Structures for Energy Storage: 1/25 Scale”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 150 (5), 04024040, (pdf) |
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